AMFI registered Mutual Fund distributor
AMFI registered Mutual Fund distributor
Accident insurance helps you pay for medical and other out-of-pocket costs that you may incur after an accidental injury. This includes emergency treatment, hospitalstays, medical exams, as well as other expenses you may face such as transportation and lodging needs.
Accident insurance covers qualifying injuries, which might include a brokenlimb, loss of a limb, burns, lacerations, or paralysis. In the event of your accidental death, accident insurance pays out money to your designated beneficiary. While health insurance companies pay your provider or facility, accident insurance pays you directly.
Accident insurance is considered supplemental insurance and is most helpful when it is used in combination with a major medical plan. Your accident coverage will take care of expenses not covered by your medical plan, such as co payments and your deductible. It will also covernon-medical costs like mortgage or rent, utility bills,andother daily expenses.